News Instructions for selection of injection moulded parts and materials Injection molds are a tool for producing plastic molded products and a tool for giving plastic mold... News2019-05-17 Design Points of Automotive Lamp Mould that you must to know! Car headlight reflector (also known as mirror) is a part of car headlight illumination system that r... News2019-05-15 What is the difference between WEDM-LS, WEDM-MS and WEDM-HS? In metal processing and manufacturing industry, everyone should be familiar with WEDM-LS, WEDM-MS a... News2019-05-13 Mold exhaust is so important, you don't even know? Exhaust of polycarbonate injection molding is very important in plastic injection molding technolog... News2019-05-10 Top ten elements of high-gloss seamless plastic injection mould design that you must know! At present, most of exterior parts of household appliances are obtained by injection molding. In inj... News2019-05-08 How to set your injection molding machine parameters? How to set your injection molding machine parameters? - Some injection moulding machine setting ex... News2019-05-06 Technology of two color injection molding that every technician must to know! Two color injection molding technology is also called double-material plastic injection molding te... News2019-05-03 Production and testing technology of helmets at home and abroad Helmet, as a personal protective equipment for injuries of a natural person's head caused by falli... News2019-04-30 What are forms of gate and advantages and disadvantages of each gate? "Gate" has a large influence on formability and internal stress of injection molding mold. Usuall... News2019-04-29 How to choose a high quality molding supplier among many china mold factory? Many companies have developed a new product, and are preparing to open a small batch of trial produc... News2019-04-26 |< << 148 149 150 151 152 153 >> >|
Instructions for selection of injection moulded parts and materials Injection molds are a tool for producing plastic molded products and a tool for giving plastic mold... News2019-05-17
Design Points of Automotive Lamp Mould that you must to know! Car headlight reflector (also known as mirror) is a part of car headlight illumination system that r... News2019-05-15
What is the difference between WEDM-LS, WEDM-MS and WEDM-HS? In metal processing and manufacturing industry, everyone should be familiar with WEDM-LS, WEDM-MS a... News2019-05-13
Mold exhaust is so important, you don't even know? Exhaust of polycarbonate injection molding is very important in plastic injection molding technolog... News2019-05-10
Top ten elements of high-gloss seamless plastic injection mould design that you must know! At present, most of exterior parts of household appliances are obtained by injection molding. In inj... News2019-05-08
How to set your injection molding machine parameters? How to set your injection molding machine parameters? - Some injection moulding machine setting ex... News2019-05-06
Technology of two color injection molding that every technician must to know! Two color injection molding technology is also called double-material plastic injection molding te... News2019-05-03
Production and testing technology of helmets at home and abroad Helmet, as a personal protective equipment for injuries of a natural person's head caused by falli... News2019-04-30
What are forms of gate and advantages and disadvantages of each gate? "Gate" has a large influence on formability and internal stress of injection molding mold. Usuall... News2019-04-29
How to choose a high quality molding supplier among many china mold factory? Many companies have developed a new product, and are preparing to open a small batch of trial produc... News2019-04-26