News Go straight to scene: cooling water, injection resistance, die casting alloys, die casting machine, In order to ensure continuous and stable quality of castings during die-casting production process,... News2020-03-25 6 heat treatment issues to help you understand heat treatment! Annealing is a heat treatment process in which steel is heated to a temperature above or below cri... News2020-03-24 Mold product drawing design standards This standard specifies content and expression specifications that should be expressed in product dr... News2020-03-23 What should be paid attention to in heat-resistant ABS injection molding? Heat-resistant ABS plastic is one of five major synthetic plastics. Chinese name of ABS is polymer. ... News2020-03-21 Mold processing technology: How are mold parts such as mold cores, inserts, inclined tops, and slide Generally, mold design task book is proposed by part craftsman based on task book of molded part. M... News2020-03-20 Present situation and difference of medical injection molding In 2012, China's medical device market is expected to grow by 17%, including medical equipment gro... News2020-03-20 Analysis of main points of mold sliding mechanism, you can easily demould if you understand it Mechanisms with lateral parting and core pulling are collectively referred to as sliding mechanism. ... News2020-03-19 Common failures and troubleshooting of die casting machine! Once failure of die-casting machine is threatened, operator should pay great attention to it, calmly... News2020-03-18 Carburizing and nitriding surface treatment process for mold material Carburizing must use low carbon steel or low carbon alloy steel, which can be divided into three typ... News2020-03-17 Design experience points for injection mold slider and lifter Due to special requirements of product, stripping direction of a certain part is inconsistent with m... News2020-03-16 |< << 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 >> >|
Go straight to scene: cooling water, injection resistance, die casting alloys, die casting machine, In order to ensure continuous and stable quality of castings during die-casting production process,... News2020-03-25
6 heat treatment issues to help you understand heat treatment! Annealing is a heat treatment process in which steel is heated to a temperature above or below cri... News2020-03-24
Mold product drawing design standards This standard specifies content and expression specifications that should be expressed in product dr... News2020-03-23
What should be paid attention to in heat-resistant ABS injection molding? Heat-resistant ABS plastic is one of five major synthetic plastics. Chinese name of ABS is polymer. ... News2020-03-21
Mold processing technology: How are mold parts such as mold cores, inserts, inclined tops, and slide Generally, mold design task book is proposed by part craftsman based on task book of molded part. M... News2020-03-20
Present situation and difference of medical injection molding In 2012, China's medical device market is expected to grow by 17%, including medical equipment gro... News2020-03-20
Analysis of main points of mold sliding mechanism, you can easily demould if you understand it Mechanisms with lateral parting and core pulling are collectively referred to as sliding mechanism. ... News2020-03-19
Common failures and troubleshooting of die casting machine! Once failure of die-casting machine is threatened, operator should pay great attention to it, calmly... News2020-03-18
Carburizing and nitriding surface treatment process for mold material Carburizing must use low carbon steel or low carbon alloy steel, which can be divided into three typ... News2020-03-17
Design experience points for injection mold slider and lifter Due to special requirements of product, stripping direction of a certain part is inconsistent with m... News2020-03-16