News Usage of injection speed and precautions for machine adjustment! Proportional control of injection speed has been widely adopted by injection molding machine manufac... News2022-04-22 Mould Design of Decorative Parts of Vacuum Cleaner Panel Small buckle structure is shown in Figure 1. Material is PP, and there is a long inner hole on the s... News2022-04-21 Using small gates for injection molding has so many advantages! Gate is a very critical section of material flow channel in gating system. Except for main runner ty... News2022-04-20 Design of Parting Mechanism in Injection Mould for Automobile Decoration Strip With development of automobile industry, consumers have higher and higher requirements for appearanc... News2022-04-19 Design of injection mold for light-transmitting display area of air-conditioning panel Inner panel of air conditioner is main appearance surface of the whole machine, and generally has a ... News2022-04-18 An article to understand fountain flow effect of plastic! It is well known that molten plastic flows in mold in the form of a fountain during injection moldin... News2022-04-17 How to make plastic modification flame retardant In many occasions, materials are required to have flame retardancy. The most commonly used occasions... News2022-04-16 Cleaning robot brush head seat injection mold design Product of cleaning robot brush head holder is shown in Figure 1. Maximum external dimension of prod... News2022-04-15 Specific steps of plastic color matching According to given conditions, including type of plastic, use of plastic products, and plastic moldi... News2022-04-14 Structure design of plastic parts, teach you step by step (4) Main basis for mold design is customer's plastic parts data, which includes drawings, templates and... News2022-04-13 |< << 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 >> >|
Usage of injection speed and precautions for machine adjustment! Proportional control of injection speed has been widely adopted by injection molding machine manufac... News2022-04-22
Mould Design of Decorative Parts of Vacuum Cleaner Panel Small buckle structure is shown in Figure 1. Material is PP, and there is a long inner hole on the s... News2022-04-21
Using small gates for injection molding has so many advantages! Gate is a very critical section of material flow channel in gating system. Except for main runner ty... News2022-04-20
Design of Parting Mechanism in Injection Mould for Automobile Decoration Strip With development of automobile industry, consumers have higher and higher requirements for appearanc... News2022-04-19
Design of injection mold for light-transmitting display area of air-conditioning panel Inner panel of air conditioner is main appearance surface of the whole machine, and generally has a ... News2022-04-18
An article to understand fountain flow effect of plastic! It is well known that molten plastic flows in mold in the form of a fountain during injection moldin... News2022-04-17
How to make plastic modification flame retardant In many occasions, materials are required to have flame retardancy. The most commonly used occasions... News2022-04-16
Cleaning robot brush head seat injection mold design Product of cleaning robot brush head holder is shown in Figure 1. Maximum external dimension of prod... News2022-04-15
Specific steps of plastic color matching According to given conditions, including type of plastic, use of plastic products, and plastic moldi... News2022-04-14
Structure design of plastic parts, teach you step by step (4) Main basis for mold design is customer's plastic parts data, which includes drawings, templates and... News2022-04-13